Player Bio
Steve Scannell a.k.a. The Boston Pops
Born in Boston during the first half of the last century, Steve still lives in Massachusetts and considers himself a citizen of the world. The legitimate grandfather of freestyle in New England, his favorite pasttime is jamming with old and new acquaintances around the world. A disciple of Ron Kaufman’s “World Peace Through Play”, Steve has made countless friends while jamming on four continents. Steve’s proudest freestyle moment was co-hosting the 2002 World Freestyle Championships in Boston. A self-described “freestyle whore” he has teamed in competitions over the years with the likes of Sonny Cade, Dan Magallanes, Paul Kenny, Dan Yarnell, Steve Hanes, Toddy Brodeur, Alan Caplin, Nicki Nicholson, Doug Korns, Steve Hayes, Mike Estrabrook, Art Viger, Fernando Direito, Rick Williams, Rik Downs, Harvey Brandt, Judy Robbins, Mark Ide, Tito Andino, Carl Emerson, Victor Ouzoonian, Steve Fitzgerald, Abe Calzadilla, Chris DePaola and Glen Stockwell. Steve’s pet, ‘Wrecks’, is considered the world’s oldest Frisbee dog. His favorite nails are those made by ‘Dr. Disc’ Rik Downs of Louisville, Kentucky but he’ll steal a Yarnail any chance he gets.