The FPA’s annual Toddy Brodeur Spirit Of The Jam Award will recognize the person the FPA deems worthy of having carried on Toddy’s giving, generous joyful nature in the freestyle community.
Toddy reduced suffering in the world by just being himself.
Toddy was a teacher, a multiple time FPA World Champion and great friend. More than anyone, he lit up the room wherever he went.
Everyone wanted to play with him. Everyone wanted to learn from him. Everyone just wanted to be around him. His giving nature and infectious joy attracted people like bees to honey. Everywhere he went he could be seen showing kids, new jammers and crusty jammers ways to improve. His cackling laugh pierced any room he was in and you could feel the energy skyrocket.
His effervescence, skill level and teaching nature turned into a venture to reach kids as part of his World Class Frisbee Shows https://frisbeeshows.com/ . Todd has over 45 years of disc sports play and competition under his belt. From president of New England Flying Disc Association, to designing and building a unique disc golf basket to go along with his private course, to coaching High School Varsity Ultimate, to running the Freestyle World Championships in 2002, to his multiple FPA World Titles, he has done all that and more.
This award will recognize a person who exemplifies the giving joy Toddy always brought to everyone he came in contact with.
The FPA is currently soliciting input for the 2024 Todd Brodeur FPA Spirit of the Jam Award. Please submit the name of your nominee along with a story as to why the person is worthy. There are no hard and fast rules regarding submission but the more compelling the story the better. Send your submission to spiritofthejam@freestyledisc.org.
Excellent way to continue Toddy’s spirit! Great initiative.