Mike Ocon
- Mike
- Ocon
- Mike
- Netherlands
- New York, Long Island
- Utrecht, Netherlands
- Education , La Verne College
- http://web.mac.com/disctivity
- 1965
Player Bio
I think the excersize with a number of people is a good thing for playing with a disc. If it were done with advanced players it would be a real pleasure to watch.
Career Highlights
DG: 1985 Helsingborg, Sverige 86 place Open ; 1991 WFDF Santa Cruz, 2nd round Accuracy; 2001 EC Oslo, Grandmaster Champ; 2005 DG WorldsAllentown, PA , 55th place Grandmasters Freestyle: I was in the gallery in the FPA worlds in Zaandvoort 2007 3 of
How I Started
in Northside Park in Azusa there were recreation leaders, Mr Copenhaver and Kathy Roberts, who motivated us.
Player Details
Favorite Moves
behind the back-catch, airbrushing, practicing whatever comes to my mind
Larry Leitner, Douglas Scott ‘Bill’ Cash†, Jay Brands, Kyle Burke, Con Cummings, Gregory Lo-a-sjoe, Ed Booms, Jip Vogel, Paul Bezooiyen, Jan Luijks, Mario Gevers, Henry Verhoeven
Kyle in Eugene, Berend in IJsselstein
Media & Appearances
TV Utrecht playing disgolf, MTA and Accuracy
Disctivity Center
Other Fun
Baseball, Family , cooking